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Migrating from one CSP to Another

​When businesses are looking to migrate to a new email provider, there are many different avenues, or types of providers, that they can be coming from. Commonly, they come to us, a Microsoft CSP (Cloud Solution Provider), and want to migrate away from another CSP. This is one of the easiest migrations that we can do, process wise, and there are many reasons why a business would want to leave one CSP to simply go to another. Sometimes, businesses are also looking to move away from a CSP to go direct to Microsoft, which also comes with its own challenges.

Let's take a look at the process of migrating from one CSP to another, or to direct with Microsoft, and some of the advantages/disadvantages of doing so.

As far as the process goes from moving to a different CSP, it's very simple. We simply send a link to the customer that a Global Administrator on the tenant needs to click. Once that is done, that gives us delegated admin access to their tenant and we can switch their licensing over. At that point, we either cancel the advisor licenses or let them know to cancel with their previous vendor if purchased that way. That's it!

There are many advantages and disadvantages that can come along with switching CSP's, and that all depends on who the CSP is. When it comes to RyanTech as a CSP, here are some of the things that we hear are advantages of moving from another CSP to us:

  1. We can take the burden off of managing licensing
  2. Consolidate all licenses into one fee/invoice
  3. We can act as a liaison between you and Microsoft - with our status as a CSP, we get premier support from Microsoft and can get answers from them very quickly
  4. RyanCare - We have our own team of well-trained people ready to support any issues that arise, which not all CSP's have. This can help to prevent sitting on the phone for long periods of time waiting for tech.
  5. Product Adoption
  6. Free License Consultations
  7. Free Training
  8. Extensive Cloud Portfolio
Remember, not all CSP's are created equal and you will be hard pressed to find one that offers all that RyanTech does. We like to be your one-stop-shop so that you come to us for everything.

When it comes to migrating away from a CSP to go direct to Microsoft for your Microsoft 365 licensing, there are some things that you should remember:

  1. The support that you will get with direct to Microsoft is slim to none. If you can get someone on the phone, it may take a very long time, and you may not even get your issues resolved.
  2. They prefer to do annual contracts as opposed to month-to-month as we do at RyanTech. This has a very big effect on adding and removing licenses.
  3. You are not able to remove licenses while in the annual contract, only add them. If you have a user that is leaving the business, you will be stuck paying for that license until the year expires. With RyanTech, you can add and subtract licenses at any point without paying for unused licenses.
  4. Microsoft does offer month-to-month billing on *some* of their licensing, but the cost goes up. With RyanTech, you get the annual contract pricing, but we bill month-to-month.

All in all, we want you to be well aware of what a switch can mean for your business, good, bad or ugly. If you are contemplating switching CSP's, or even leaving a CSP to go direct with Microsoft, give us a call! We can walk you through everything so you can make the best decision for you business.

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