Migrating On-Premise File Server to the Cloud
File storage is a very important thing for businesses, and in most cases, companies have a lot of file data that needs to be retained, but what's the best way to store it? How can a company ensure that they have enough space to store current and future files? In the past, and still today, businesses have been using on-premise servers to store and retain file data, but it's not the only option anymore, and certainly not the most ideal. The cloud is becoming the way of the future for file storage and businesses are continuing to adopt the cloud for this purpose.
There are many advantages to using cloud storage for file data as opposed to using on-premise servers. Here's a few of the most important that have "sold" users towards the direction of the cloud:
- Fewer hardware costs - Storing this data in the cloud can eliminate on-premise servers altogether. These on-premise servers can get very expensive and take up a lot of space. When storing and retaining this data in the cloud, none of that is of any concern.
- Easily scalable - The cloud is built and meant to grow with your business, and cloud file storage is no different. As your company and data retention grows, cloud storage can grow with you. With the click of a button or purchase of an inexpensive license, you can boost the storage size.
- Enhanced security - In terms or security, the cloud is a no brainer across the board. There are simple things that can be implemented for your cloud storage that can really boost security and ensure bad actors cannot gain access to the data. Multi-factor authentication is one thing, among others, and we will always consult with you on what makes sense for your business and implement security changes based on your needs.
Microsoft has a few great options for file data storage and retention, most of which some with basic Office 365 licensing. Here are the top three options when it comes to file storage and retaining that data for long periods of time:
- SharePoint - This is the most preferred method and will accommodate most file storage circumstances. SharePoint acts as an intranet of sorts and everyone within the company can have access and view files. Permissions can also be very dialed down on document/file retention libraries, so you can give certain users access to specific files, folders and libraries. This is very helpful when a business wants certain people to have access to files while others will not.
- Teams - Teams is a great option to move files into as there is a Files tab on every Team that is created. This can be beneficial when a business would like certain departments and Teams to view specific files. They are right there at your fingertips to view as you work and makes collaboration seamless. Permissions are managed per Team and only users who have access to the Teams Channel can view the files within that channel.
- Azure File Storage - AFS is a great option for businesses who have a large set of file data that needs to be kept for a long period of time. This is very easily scalable as well, and can accommodate business growth. A few things to note about AFS is that, in our experience, it shouldn't be the only resource for your files and it's best if you use another medium to access the data. For example, ideally, using an Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) or a hybrid environment with a VPN is the best way. We would simply integrate the AFS with the AVD or VPN and all can access files from there.
These types of migrations are something that we do all of the time. We are happy to consult with you before attempting something like this, and we can go over all of the pros and cons, along with which avenue might be best based on your goals and business model. Reach out to us anytime and we will be with you every step of the way.