Microsoft 365 New Features

Roadmap for Microsoft 365

Outlook: Prepare for Meetings with Copilot in the new Outlook for Windows and web

With so many of us in back-to-back meetings, it can be a real struggle to stay on top of pre-reads, action items, and even what each meeting is about. Copilot can identify and summarize the key points so you can show up prepared in just a few minutes. When you have an upcoming meeting, Copilot proactively shows you a "Prepare" button in your inbox which helps you quickly get context for the meeting providing a summary of the meeting and showing and summarizing relevant files leveraging the power of the Microsoft Graph. Now you have all the most important details you need and can arrive prepared and ready to engage in a productive conversation. This feature will be available in the new Outlook for Windows and web. #newoutlookforwindows

Expected Release Date:
July CY2024

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